Dear visitor of this Matahari website,
“Om Swastiastu”
at this place we would like to inform you about the the final closing of our beloved Matahari Beach Resort & Spa.
In April 2020, there has been the final sunset at the Matahari.
The whole world is dealing with a situation beyond facts any of us could have imagined. Out of nowhere it cameand
the situation surrounding the outbreak of COVID-19 have changed everything rapidly with light speed. The
virus has created unprecedented challenges for global tourism and especially to our beloved Matahari. The
worldwide impact is huge. Even the most experienced experts are not able to give a final statement reagarding
the overall extent. But one thing is quite sure: Our mother earth wont be never the same as bevor Corona outbreak.
In changeable times like this, for us the most important target is to stay with our valus. First of all, far out of any
discussion, the health safety and security of our guest and also our team of employees, the entire Matahari family
will be the goal. To ensure this mayor target also for future, we have analysed and dicussed possibilities.
Heartbroken we decided to close our traditionell balinese double doors for eternity from the 17th of April 2020. It
has been the hardest decission of our lifetime.
In the name of the whole Matahari-Family we would like to take also the opportunity to thank all of you for your
loyalty and your patnership during the last 25 years. Keep us in good memory and let our small paradise on the
islands of gods stay alive at your hearts.
And most important at these moment, we wish you please stay health and fit.
“Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti Om”
Magnus & Parwathi Bauch.